
The role of children in discipline and Education

THE ROLE OF CHILDREN IN DISCIPLINE AND EDUCATION   The child is father of an adult. The child is an abridged adult with rights which cannot be abridged. The Child is a person for all practical purposes. The child observes, thinks and imitates or reacts to happenings around. The child is a person. Either at home or school, the child is subjected to disciplinary practices while, child should be part of those processes. If the indiscipline of the child could be complained, ascertained and responded to, where is the way to find and establish the indiscipline of the adults. Every adult feels that he is having every right to discipline the child. Do they have? The discipline is not taught, it is learnt. The text books give information. The communication through teaching is imparting education. To attain wisdom, an abundant amount of common sense has to be added to education, which then includes discipline. Discipline is an attitude, character, responsibility or commitment. The di

Features of a Good Lesson Plan

Features of a Good Lesson Plan  Features of a Good Lesson Plan Welcome to our article on the Features of a Good Lesson Plan! If you’re an educator or student looking for insights on what makes a lesson plan effective, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into the definition and key attributes of a well-crafted lesson plan. Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or a student eager to learn, this article aims to provide you with the essential qualities of a good lesson plan. Let’s dive in and explore what makes a lesson plan truly effective! What is a Good Lesson Plan A good lesson plan is a teacher’s daily guide that outlines what pupils need to learn, how the lesson will be taught, and how learning will be measured. A well-crafted lesson plan helps a teacher become more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow. It’s essential to note that lesson plans precede lesson notes. Planning a lesson involves both mental preparation and knowing what mate


ESSENTIAL STATUTORY RECORDS FOR EFFECTIVE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT (PURPOSE & IMPORTANCE) Here is a Comprehensive Guide of essential statutory records for school management Introduction: Effective school management hinges on meticulous record-keeping. Statutory records are critical for ensuring compliance, maintaining transparency, and facilitating smooth operations in schools. This comprehensive guide explores the key types of statutory records every educational institution should maintain, according to Lagos State Quality Assurance standards. 1.Log Book Purpose:The log book records daily activities, incidents, and observations. It serves as an official document for tracking significant events and decisions made within the school. Importance:Provides a historical account of school operations and incidents, essential for audits and reviews. 2.Admission Register Purpose:This register contains detailed records of all students admitted to the school, including personal details and enrollment

Roles of the principals

WHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT ROLES OF THE PRINCIPALS/HEAD MASTER/HEADMISTRESS OF AN INSTITUTION  A school becomes best and well-known in the particular locality, when the heads of the institutions- The principal/ Principal/Head Mistress plan the activities of the year in a best possible way for the staff and students to follow. When whole activities of the year are planned well the rest becomes easy to walk the success trade mark of a school. The school becomes the center point of learning and it gives the best of opportunities for the children to discover themselves. The head of the institution he/she is the Head Teacher and should be the best Teacher. He/she is like a/the captain of a ship who with the assistance of the crew steers the ship safely to its destination. He/she is the leader who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way. If the head of the school plans well the activities of the year the teaching and learning will become an interesting task to carry on. I would like to sug

Functions of Vice Principal in a school

The functions of a Vice Principal (VP) in a school Contents : 1. Academic Leadership 2. Discipline Management 3. Administrative Support 4. Teacher Support and Development 5. Communication with Parents and Community 6. Student Support Services 7. Extracurricular Activities 8. Safety and Security 9. Policy Implementation 10. Budget and Resource Management 11. Event Coordination 12. Staff Recruitment and Evaluation 13. Data Analysis and Reporting 14. Strategic Planning 15. Crisis Management 16. Student Attendance and Welfare 17. Mentoring and Coaching 18. Parental Involvement 19. Curriculum Development 20. Promoting School Culture 21. Teacher and Staff Mediation 22. Innovation and Technology Integration 23. Professional Development Programs 24. External Relations 25. Conflict Resolution 26. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives 27. Facilities Management 28. Monitoring School Climate 29. Compliance with Educational Standards 30. Special Projects and Initiatives 31


GROUP DISCUSSION - 15 APR 2024 Platform: The National UN Volunteers-India  DR RAVI KUMAR - INDIA 🇮🇳 (The conversation starter) Dear all, Good greetings! As we do our regular weekly discussion, I am thrilled to introduce our topic for this week:  "HAPPY CLASSROOMS: TRANSFORMING CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE WITH TECHNOLOGY." In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the integration of technology in education has become increasingly prevalent. From interactive whiteboards to educational apps, technology offers a myriad of opportunities to enhance the learning experience and foster a more positive classroom environment. During our discussion, I encourage each of you to share your thoughts, insights, and experiences regarding the role of technology in creating happy and engaging classrooms. How can we leverage technology to cater to diverse learning styles and promote inclusivity? What strategies have you found effective in harnessing technology to cultivate a sense of joy a